Queer fun in Chicago this week!

So after everyone's Pride/Shame hangovers have subsided, the city of Chicago has seemed a little off kilter the last week. No street drinking, combined with this amazing 70 degree weather, it for sure does not feel like a big gay summer to me.
However, this is such an awesome week to be queer in Chicago!
Friday June 10th is going to be a super fun night. First, it's Think Pink Radio Friday at Wang's (3317 N Broadway)! It's a ball, and not just because this blog has a friend-crush on that blog -

A) Wangs is a gorgeous teeny tiny baby bar with just enough room for the lighting to accentuate your best features, without the harassment of the usual Boystown/Wrigleyville fence sitters, stroller pushers, and lost trixies. So so so good. (Make sure you check out the artwork in the bathroom. Gold star lezzies, you might wanna avert your eyes at first... I sure did ... but I've grown to love it)
B) DJ Stinky Pinky plays super-fun music in such a chilled out, non-pretentious atmosphere! Seriously sweet remixes and queer dance tracks, he brings the perfect background track to your fancy shmancy martinis and $5 Tecate + Tequila shots (note: DANGEROUS). I almost don't want to post about it, because I love it so much and like always being able to get a spot in there.... but I'll share my secrets with you. The Creatures will be pre-gaming here for sure before we go see...

MEN live at Berlin! Do I really have to say any more than that? Accompanied by the Chances DJs and DJ Greg Haus (who also plays the freakiest and bestest music videos every Monday at a certain employer of 1/2 of the Creatures). I'm super super excited to finally see MEN! Working on the weekends really ruins my shot at seeing any good touring acts, so I'm a lucky girl to get a shot at it this Friday.

But hey, so you work on the weekends too? Bummer, but trust... we've got you. On Tuesday, July 14th, get ready for bffs of the blog, SF / PDX band Forever!

They are totally adorable, need I say more? Oh wait, we already did. In the midst of their US tour (have you seen them yet? If you live west of Chicago, there's a good chance they're on their way to your town!), they're stopping by to give us a taste of their sweet, sweet medicine. They'll be at Ronny's Bar (2101 N California ave), which has the most amazing PBR lined bathroom in the world. If you're squeamish or prone to squatting in public restrooms, stay home. Show starts at 9pm, and playing with The Cellphones, who I don't know a damn thing about but this girl has got a VOICE! So so so excited for this show and getting very pumped to get my dykebitch drink on in such fine company.

What are you doing this week? Have we missed anything particularly fabulous? Will we see you there?


thinkpinkradio said... / July 8, 2009 at 8:32 PM  

aw thanks for the plug cuties. i crush you too.

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