The Best of 2009 According To...Team Asia

And then 2009, you've been excused. You can leave quietly and never rear your head again. Any year where Kris Allen wins American Idol is a year not worth even living. And how can you kill Ty Frasier and let Katie Holmes suffer? Even the gays don't want anything to do with Tom Cruise no more. In a nutshell: 2009 sucked. But there were a few highlights, in no particular order:

After the cut!

1. Paper Heart

Finally a movie for all the weirdos in love, falling in love, or out of love. I know it's like, a fake movie or whatever. Not a documentary. Even so, it's closer to any feeling I ever had than say, "The Proposal".

2. Washed Out

Washed Out - Belong

3. Third And Delaware

Anything where the topic is "90's fave and feminist icon Roseanne" or "90's fashion", I'm definitely hitching myself onboard.

4. Yacht

Yacht - I'm In Love With A Ripper

5. It's Complicated

Let me make this clear: Meryl Streep's house in the movie won this.

6. Maangchi

When you don't get the Food Network, you take to the world wide web.

7. Esther Pearl Watson

Finally, all the issues of "Unlovable" in a giant hot pink glittery hardcover!

8. Grizzly Bear

Grizzly Bear - Two Weeks

9. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

10. Ke$ha

Ke$ha - Tik Tok


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