

Since Grizzly Bear just covered Hot Chip's Boy From School, I thought a covers post was in order! I'm pretty sure everybody loves a good cover, so there's really not much else to say.

This post could be like ten pages long, so we'll probably do more covers posts in the future, but in the meantime here's Grizzly Bear's cover and a few other great ones that feel right for today.



jacqueline mary said... / January 24, 2010 at 2:24 PM  

i will bake cookies for anyone who can tell me what songs you can hear in the background of the 'i wish i was him' recording. sugarfree/dairyfree/glutenfree whatever you want

YourBabySmellsLikeHotGarbage said... / January 24, 2010 at 4:33 PM  

The only song I hear in the background of 'I Wish I Was Him',is John Mellencamp's 'Hand To Hold Onto'?

jacqueline mary said... / January 24, 2010 at 4:46 PM  

At the very beginning, for the first 8 seconds, you can hear a little bit of something that sounds like billy joel maybe. i can only hear it on my ipod headphones with the bass reduced, and the lyrics sound like it says "it's better to find... something nation something believes", but i'm also really good at jumbling lyrics.

but you were totally right about 'hand to hold onto'! i'll still send you cookies, though! email us with your address!

Brett Alan said... / January 24, 2010 at 11:10 PM  

It's "Tell Her About It" by Billy Joel! I thought so immediately, but I had to really turn it up to catch enough lyrics to be sure. The line is "to insure yourself you've got to provide communication constantly".

I'm a big Ben Lee fan, so I appreciate the mp3. If you really want to bake me cookies, please give them to a local homeless person or something instead, or better yet donate the cost of the ingredients to Haiti relief or a marriage-equality group. Whatever you decide, or don't, thanks!

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