
Wacky Pop: Orchestral Edition

Oh, hai! It seems the past 2 years, musical personalities in the queer community have split. Or at least in my world. Looking through my iTunes or whatever it is people use these days, one can divide my taste into 2 categories: faggy dance pop or faggy orchestral pop. And by orchestral pop, I mean Sufjan Stevens, not Yanni. As much as I love Yanni...

2009 and now 2010 are gearing up to be the most divisive yet. Do I invest in listening to the new Owen Pallett LP? Or do I give in and smush to Jeppe? The decision is too hard. Though lately, the tastes have run more in the lying in bed and listening to Chris Garneau. As you may recall, I mentioned him in an earlier post which you can find yourself, I'm too lazy. Anywho, dude released a second record which managed to sneak under my lazy ass radar. Whatever. I finally found it. And it's good. You know home girl likes to mood out and ignore phone calls every other day. Now I finally have a soundtrack for it. Let's thank Absolutely Kosher for putting this out cause seriously, I'm getting bored the fuck out by music lately.

Chris Garneau - No More Pirates

I can't like, not be mesmerized by those eyes. And that hat. I'm more jealous of the hat. Mostly cause I can't pull of the lazy nondescript baseball cap. Oh god this is coming out totally wrong.

Owen Pallett - Midnight Directives

Owen Pallett aka Final Fantasy has a new record out as well entitled "Heartland". I feel like we already had a record named "Heartland"***, but whatever. I may just be dreaming of "Harvest". Anyways, it's totally not what I thought it was going to be. Owen definitely went a little spacey on me but I'm not complaining. And I know I'm real late on the Pallett train, so whatever.

Also, watching that scene in "Thelma And Louise" where they blow up the 18-wheeler while listening to the new Dirty Projectors song was a moderately bad decision.

Dirty Projectors - Ascending Melody

***UPDATE: AHA, we DO already have a record named "Heartland". OK, like, 7, but whatever. This one:



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