
Wacky Pop

Often times, I get accused of being weird just for weird's sake. UNTRUE. I was born a wacky kid and my tastes have always leaned towards the dark side. Where kids in my class were listening to Ace Of Base, That "How Bizarre" song, and Madonna, I was blasting around my room to Joan Jett, bad punk pop, and a secret love for The Carpenters (until 2003, after that, I just stopped denying). I've never tried to stray from the alternative path and I don't think I ever will. Cause seriously, ok, story time.

Flip cup. Never played it in my life...until this past Monday. It's like a normal college kid thing to do right? What the hell kind of college did I go to where we didn't play flip cup and like, all those other bro drinking games? Oh right, I went to art school. FART ON THAT.

Anyways, I've just been jamming out lately. The more fuzzed out and spacey and druggy, the better. Did you know they have a term for it in the UK? It's called Wonky Pop, but ewwww Lady Gaga is included on that list and I don't care for her much. OK, 2010, my new years resolution is to just ignore that bitch. NOT GONNA LET HER GET TO ME. Not even the way she can barely keep her eyes open when her lash extensions are too heavy. Ughhhhhh.

Fag out!:

Chew Lips - Seven

Gonzales - Slow Down

Metronomy - Black Eye/Burnt Thumb

Washed Out - Get Up

The xx - Basic Space


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