Freaky Friday

daniel87980 (? -?), Gwen Stefani A Lesbian?, 2009. Sims in HD Video. Courtesy of YouTube.

supersinger9000 (?-?), sim lesbian witches get married, 2009. Sims in Video. Courtesy of YouTube.

ohxmyxgod (?-?), Two Sim Witches Get Engaged, 2008. Sims in Video. Courtesy of YouTube.

Artist's Statement:
"the sims 2 apartment life biaaatch they're evil witches lol"

akane1412 (?-?), Demon Gay sims Woohooing in the bathtub :D, 2007. Sims in Video. Courtesy of YouTube.

Artist's Statement:
"The same two demons of my other video woohooing this time on a bathtub :D also with special video :D"


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