
Twee belong together

I don't know what my deal is, but the older I've become, the more twee my music taste has become. My thought process mainly revolves around "What should I listen to while napping?". Maybe it's because I wasn't super into the whole c-86 scene when I was younger (I was a few years too late, 84 baby), but now it's like a whole world of music has opened up. I think I've been listening to The Softies for weeks straight now. It totally reminds me of this kid Richie I went to college with. I understand why this 27 year old twee fag was so the way he was when I was friends with him in college now! BECAUSE THE MUSIC IS SO GOOD. I mean, sure, twee comes with its detractors, and I probably was one of them, but there are so many textures to the genre (It's kind of creepy to hear Rose Melberg sing "take it downstairs, no one here cares" in a typically stereotyped "happy"genre of music). Of course, my favorite band to come from the scene will always be Heavenly (Although Marine Research, Tender Trap, Talulah Gosh...not so much). I will say that "P.U.N.K. Girl" was my fucking high school jam.

Maybe it's because my heart has become less heavy? Or I've finally entered puberty and require the social contact most normal human beings want. Either way, twee is gay. Twee pop is soooooo gay. And by gay, I mean it's fucking awesome. I want "Each New Day" by Rose to be my wedding JAMMMMMMM.

Rose Melberg - Irene

Beat Happening - Indian Summer

Heavenly - P.U.N.K. Girl

All Girl Summer Fun Band - Parallel Park

Belle and Sebastian - Marx and Engels


Also, R.I.P. Kate McGarrigle. You will be sorely missed.


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