
You should've seen me in my prime

I'm well aware that this is a queer blog and I ride the queer line more than the 36 bus, but kids, it's hard. I don't know any queer bands really. Which explains my fascination with not quite mainstream, still quite underground pop, which I call weirdo pop (I throw the term weirdo around a lot apparently). It's cool to be weird. And by weird, I mean not giving a fuck what's popular and managing to get your fuck on regardless of what culture tells you. Acts like Sgt. Sass, Bry'nt, and the love of my life Roisin Murphy have been doing their own thing for a while now whether or not we catch on. Sometimes, these jams manage to sneak under the radar and into pop culture. Remember that Gucci ad campaign with Roisin's cover of "Slave To Love"? Love it. And I think I find myself nowadays not really caring whether or not something is queer related. Sexuality doesn't determine quality jams. If it's a quality song, I'm on your side.

That being said, I really wish I knew more queer music. Instead, you're gonna have to settle for pop music made by bands you've either never heard of, never wanted to hear, or your new favorite. WEIRDO POP.

Xiu Xiu - Gray Death
(from the forthoming "Dear God, I Hate Myself" LP)

Discovery - So Insane

jj - masterplan

Roisin Murphy - Momma's Place


suckinglemons said... / January 11, 2010 at 6:41 PM  

love that jj track, and in fact their whole album is incredible. We've actually reviewed it on my blog, if ya wanna check it out! keep up the good work!

alisa said... / January 12, 2010 at 7:57 AM  

Are you into Royksopp? Listen to 'Happy Up Here'

drew o said... / January 13, 2010 at 6:32 PM  

Thanks for the mp3's. I was searching for Jj and I landed here.

I think there's more interesting girl queerpop out there, than guy queerpop. Of course, there's always old timers like PSB and Morrissey...

Tae Young said... / January 15, 2010 at 9:40 AM  

thanks for the comments gays. that was seriously a typo but it stays. anyways guys to answer whatever:

i do moderately like royksopp and "happy up in here" is one of my favroties, mostly because its so uncatchy in the catchiest of terms.

there is also way more girl queerpop i agree but i've been rocking out to this gay glam metal band called PINK STEEL a lot lately. i'm a child of the 80's and early 90's, it's only fitting.

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