
The Deep Red

I'm so excited! I'm so...scared! Okay, I'm not really scared...but Deep Red is scary good! 

Deep Red features Nomi Ruiz, Andrew Raposo, and Morgan Wiley (all of Hercules and Love Affair) and are kind of like H&LA's sort of gothic sister. Okay, so they aren't really goth at all, but their sound on the single Fun Girl is definitely darker than H&LA. Maybe it's just me, but the bassline and cadence of the song makes me think of the Smashing Pumpkins' song Zero (or the reworked version LeCastlevania did).  I somehow don't think that's what they were going for, but that's okay. 

I'm a really big fan of dance music or whatever that has a mysterious and slightly creepy feel so I have high hopes for Deep Red...and I'm pretty sure they aren't going to let me down! 

Word is Deep Red will be releasing the 12" of Fun Girl sometime soon and they are currently booking a U.S. tour, so check back for info on shows in your town! 

Here's Fun Girl and some other spooky gems! Enjoy! 

Deep Red - Fun Girl

Poni Hoax - Budapest


Schmyra Schmanks

There is something just so backhanded about Tyra Banks. The gay community is not her therapist. At the same time, I applaud her for using TV as a platform for pointing out how unjust our world is. It's a small step, but a necessary one.

Also, I would love for Tyra to start using "inconceivable!" as a catchphrase. The age of "fierce" is over.



Jonathan Horowitz, Kenneth Anger at P.S.1

What do you think Andy Warhol would think of Jonathan Horowitz' 1st solo exhibition (in New York) And/Or at the P.S.1 Contemporary Arts Center ? Do you think he would find his work current and challenging and vital or do you think he would see it as another rehash of what he himself did in the 1960's?

I can't begin to imagine what Warhol would be thinking or doing if he were alive today, but I think it's safe to say Horowitz offers us a glimpse of, at least, the subject matter Warhol would have been tackling. In this exhibition Horowitz takes on some of Warhol's favorite subjects like political figures (Obama 08, Hillary Clinton is a Person Too), celebrity (The Body Song, Pillow Talk Cases), and consumerism (Coke and/or Pepsi Machine). Much of Horowitz' work, like Warhol's, blends the past and the present to create pieces that often challenge the viewer to decide what message, if any, lies within the work and more importantly in our own political systems/figures and pop culture icons.

Pictures: Obama 08 (2008), Hillary Clinton is a Person Too (2008), Pillow Talk Cases (2008), Coke and/or Pepsi Machine (2007)

Horowitz' also presents a peek into his own Queerness in pieces like “Three Rainbow American Flags for Jasper in the Style of the Artist’s Boyfriend” (which is an update on Gay artist Jasper Johns' "Three Flags") where in he replaces the American flag with a rainbow flag and covers it in glitter. He also takes an activist stance with "Archival Iris Print of an Image Downloaded from the Internet with Two Copies of the New York Post Rotting in Their Frames" where he offers a visual critique on Reagan's failure during the AIDS crisis of the 80's.

In addition to the work of Jonathan Horowitz, P.S.1 is also featuring a collection of Kenneth Anger's iconic films including the must sees Fireworks (1947), Scorpio Rising (1963) and Lucifer Rising (1970-1981). 

Here is a clip of Anger's 1969 work "Invocation of My Demon Brother" and if you haven't seen Kenneth Anger's other films you can pick up collections of his work at good video stores or buy them here


Great stuff at the London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival!

The 23rd Annual London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival got started a few days ago with what's sure to be a great selection of Queer cinema. This year's festival features over 175 films from around the world and ranges from a retrospective on German Lesbian surrealist Ulrike Ottinger to a short film about Yo Majesty to mainstream darling Milk. Channeling: An Invocation of Spectral Bodies and Queer Spirits--a film & video series curated by Latham Zearfoss & Ethan White-- will also screen during the festival as part of the Experimental program.

If I were in London the film not to be missed in my book would be The Devil's Cleavage by George Kuchar (it screens tonight if any of you are in London!). The 1973 cult classic is a campy, low budget homage to 1940's and 50's Hollywood and features Gay filmmaker/Kuchar collaborator (on Thundercrack!) Curt McDowell in an acting role. Both John Waters and Guy Maddin have sited Kuchar as an influence, so if you are a fan of that kind of stuff, Kuchar's films are a must see! It Came from Kuchar, a new documentary on the Kuchar brothers (George often worked with his twin brother Mike) by Jennifer M. Kroot also screens at this year's festival.

I tried to find some of the Kuchars' best work to post, but it's amazingly hard to find online. However, I did find George's 1977 piece I, An Actress to give you a taste of his work (if you weren't familiar with it already). I've also included the first part of The Sins of the Fleshapoids that Mike directed. In addition to those you will find clips from Ulrike Ottinger's Madame X - Eine absolute Herrscherin (from 1977) and Freak Orlando (1981). Enjoy!



Although the fashion shows for Spring/Summer 09 happened last September, Spring is upon us and a lot of us are starting to think about our Summer look.

I usually have at least one color or idea that makes it's way into my wardrobe each season, even if it's only shown through small details like hats or shoe laces. As a jeans and tshirt kinda person, I think accessories make all the difference!  

Just so you know, I'm in no way qualified to predict fashion trends, but I'm pretty confident that the 90's revival isn't fading anytime soon, so here are some of my picks for best 90's inspired S/S 09 accessories! 

You have probably seen Telfar Clemens' unisex, ultra-modern, multi-use (all of the garments can be zipped/unzipped to form new pieces) collections...but did you know he made accessories? His accessories range from mesh visors to medical looking iPod armbands, but the highlight of the accessories collection are the jewelry pieces. I particularly like the Jane Child-esque nose chain and the geometric earring and pendant...that earring is totally bodacious! 

90's Fitteds

So fitted hats have been all the rage for a while now...but these new Summer designs really take me back to some after school Saved by the Bell watchin' good times! The Zubaz style Bengal hat from Supra, Limited Edition Exclusive Charlotte Hornets hat from Rock N' Jocks, and LRG's The Surfers Eat Pizza Hat will make you look even better when you're dancing to Ace of Base

The Undercut

Ok, so a haircut isn't really an accessory, but it definitely makes a big impact on your overall look! I had an undercut in the 90's, most people probably did at some point. The funny thing about the undercut is that it never really went away...it has survived off of industrial goth boys and girls for the last 15 years.

Models and other extra fashionable people have been revisiting the undercut for a while now, but I think it's gonna catch on big with the rest of us this summer. I just hope it doesn't become the next faux hawk because I really don't want to deal with it for the next 5 years. 

Here are some examples of the very versatile undercut- some good, some not so good: 

(Pictures: Kim Ann Foxman, model Alice Dellal, random industrial dude, model in Topman lookbook)

So the next time you see a nose chain wearing, undercut having, fitted hat collector...think of us! 

And enjoy this reminder of who Jane Child is! 


The Twelves and Ross Kelly--Friday at Smartbar

Hey You! 

If you are in Chicago make sure you check out our friend Ross Kelly (of Kokorokoko) this Friday at Smartbar!

Everyone knows The Twelves remixes (I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend anyone?)...so it should be fun to hear their originals and see how they translate "live". And you can always expect a great mix of Italo, Electro, Acid, and your faves with Ross. It will be a good time for sure! 
(It's free before 11 and a Friday, so there's no excuse.) 

Head on over to Disco-Nap.com to listen to Ross' Slow Burn Mix...and enjoy The Twelves remix of La Roux's song In For The Kill. 

See you Friday! 


Double Dare Ya

Don't forget your herstory.

I specifically remember growing up in Massachusetts, rebelling against what I thought was a strict religious suburb. I look back on it years later and realize there was very little I actually had a problem with, but the things I did have problems with were huge human rights issues that shouldn't have had any interaction from the gov't or churches of America. But the spirit of feminism, in that form I could actually relate to in the then and now (as opposed to having to experience it through books) was positively infectious and inspiring. It was a complete eye opener. Fast forward to 2003 where I was playing in a punk rock band with 2 lady friends, switching off on instruments, all singing together, and getting completely shut out from the Boston music scene. We only played a handful of crappy shows (specifically 1 GSA benefit where the band before us threw around the word "fag" way too much. I remember throwing the biggest fit after) and quietly disbanded when I moved away. I miss that feeling of community, a sense that individually we may have been weird or not the prettiest in accordance to unattainable beauty standards, but together there was a lot to accomplish, a lot accomplished, and one of the only times in my life I actually felt like I belonged somewhere. I still don't feel like I can identify with a majority of communities, but I'm grateful I got to experience it at least once so far. Riot Grrl (and a majority of the bands that came out of it) was a huge saving grace to an otherwise mundane, sterile adolescence surrounded by the notion of people telling my friends and myself that we had no right to be ourselves. To all involved, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And to the people who tried to shut it all down, I say a big fuck you.



We're on fire with DJ mixes!!

Kingdom made this mix for Lower End Spasm last week or so and it rules. (get it?! rules..kingdom...puns don't translate very well in writing, do they?)

Anyways, for those of you who may not know, Kingdom is not just a DJ--He also happens to produce our friends OMG Michelle. Also, pay attention to the beginning of the mix to hear his track Mind Reader (feat. Shyvonne) it's out of control good! 

Get ready to move. 


Dear Frankmusik

Please come over to the queer side ASAP. You have a habit of appearing nude in gay lifestyle magazines and you write pop songs that aren't crammed in my head like a certain someone whose name starts with "J" and ends in "ustin Timberlake". Thank you. You win the gay vote.

And you're hot.


JD Samson!

Hey all, 

JD Samson just released a new mix and we got the go ahead to post it here just for you. You can also find it at her Myspace page...so make sure you check it out to see what else she is up to!

So download JD's Take Back the Night Mix and dance dance dance! 



Host unlimited photos at slide.com for FREE!

To take it directly from their Myspace page:
entzaubert is a radical queer d.i.y. film festival happening June 4th-7th 2009 at the queer wagenplatz schwarzer kanal in Berlin.

We will create a space for queer/feminist DIY cinema – you provide the films!

We are looking for films within or beyond these categories:

arty, punky, no-borders, anarchic, documentaries, porn, trashy, experimental, feminist, funny, serious, low-budget, no-budget, music, quality, concise, international, homo-socialist, homosexualist, revolutionary, polyamourous, monogamous, lazy, tranny-dyky, faggy, old, brand-new, provocative, difficult, hot …

we welcome films in any language – multiple language/subtitles are always appreciated. if that’s not possible, don’t worry!

Besides screening films, they also offer filmmaking workshops on editing, make up, subtitling, and a bunch of other useful stuff. Also-- the festival takes place during something called Queer & Rebel Days. Too bad I won't be able to make it to Germany for this! 

For your viewing pleasure, here is a video that was featured last year at Entzaubert--"A Nightmare on Castro Street". It's from 2002 and was made by Joshua Grannell/Peaches Christ, and seems to be heavily influenced by John Waters--and who doesn't love John Waters! 

...or click HERE for widescreen version


I Love the Nightlife!

Alicia Bridges proves that lesbians DO love the nightlife!


Welcome to YoungCreature!

Hi! How are you? I'm fine thanks.

Welcome to the YoungCreature blog!

YoungCreature is a brand new blog focusing on Queer music, art, culture, and other stuff that may interest weirdo gays and our friends.

To give you an idea of what you can expect from YoungCreature, please enjoy a micro-history of Queer music through these mp3s!

Patrick Cowley - "Menergy" (Original 12" Version)

Le Tigre - "Deceptacon" (DFA Remix)

The Gossip - "Jealous Girls" (NYPC 12" Remix)

Yo Majesty - "Kryptonite Pussy" (Bo$$ vs. Yo Majesty Boss In Drama Mix)

Hercules & Love Affair - "Blind" (Frankie Knuckles Remix)

Telepathe - "Devil's Trident" (Rory Phillips Remix)

Hope you enjoy the music and check back soon.

(and remember, if you like what you hear on YoungCreature support the artists and buy their music!)
