Although the fashion shows for Spring/Summer 09 happened last September, Spring is upon us and a lot of us are starting to think about our Summer look.
I usually have at least one color or idea that makes it's way into my wardrobe each season, even if it's only shown through small details like hats or shoe laces. As a jeans and tshirt kinda person, I think accessories make all the difference!
Just so you know, I'm in no way qualified to predict fashion trends, but I'm pretty confident that the 90's revival isn't fading anytime soon, so here are some of my picks for best 90's inspired S/S 09 accessories!
You have probably seen Telfar Clemens' unisex, ultra-modern, multi-use (all of the garments can be zipped/unzipped to form new pieces) collections...but did you know he made accessories? His accessories range from mesh visors to medical looking iPod armbands, but the highlight of the accessories collection are the jewelry pieces. I particularly like the Jane Child-esque nose chain and the geometric earring and pendant...that earring is totally bodacious!
90's Fitteds
So fitted hats have been all the rage for a while now...but these new Summer designs really take me back to some after school Saved by the Bell watchin' good times! The Zubaz style Bengal hat from Supra, Limited Edition Exclusive Charlotte Hornets hat from Rock N' Jocks, and LRG's The Surfers Eat Pizza Hat will make you look even better when you're dancing to Ace of Base!
The Undercut
Ok, so a haircut isn't really an accessory, but it definitely makes a big impact on your overall look! I had an undercut in the 90's, most people probably did at some point. The funny thing about the undercut is that it never really went has survived off of industrial goth boys and girls for the last 15 years.
Models and other extra fashionable people have been revisiting the undercut for a while now, but I think it's gonna catch on big with the rest of us this summer. I just hope it doesn't become the next faux hawk because I really don't want to deal with it for the next 5 years.
Here are some examples of the very versatile undercut- some good, some not so good:

(Pictures: Kim Ann Foxman, model Alice Dellal, random industrial dude, model in Topman lookbook)

So the next time you see a nose chain wearing, undercut having, fitted hat collector...think of us!
And enjoy this reminder of who Jane Child is!
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