HOT Body WEIRD Face: Zac Efron Edition

Zac Efron has a hot body, but the only thing wrong is his creepy as fuck baby face. 9 year old boy face does not belong on 20-something fully developed MAN BODY. Those abs! That bushy-but-not-too-bushy treasure trail. His HAIR. It's too much. In Korea, they have something called "Aegyo", which roughly translates from Tae-Youngese into "unbearable infuriating cuteness". It is enough to send ANYONE into a rage, gay, straight, or already angered. It should be illegal for him to be seen in public until he reaches the riper age of 30. His face is too unbearable to handle. It's like he crawled out of the womb and banged some shit up on his way out TO HIS COMPLETE ADVANTAGE. Whatever happened to men being men? When did everything get so difficult? On average, I find myself drooling over boys a million times a week and about half of those turn out to be lesbians. And they're hot. I'm already confused enough, the last (Or first) thing I need is to fall in love with a lesbian I was convinced was a boy. Which might explain a lot about Zac. Anyone remember that South Park episode? In the end, I don't want to fuck a baby. It's illegal and creepy. Zac Efron's face is enough of a warrant to stay away before I end up on To Catch A Predator. The only thing that is keeping him from being totally shunned by me is this:


P.S. There are like, 800 of these things. Don't expect me to pick up the phone.

P.P.S. I assume your beard knows what a hairbrush is. Use it.


Eric Johns said... / February 24, 2010 at 1:16 PM  

I know how you feel, Tae...

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