
Excuse me...EXCUSE ME

MTV and Paramount Pictures have released information regarding the May 11th release of the COMPLETE SERIES OF DARIA. FINALLY. Now we can see our beloved Fashion Club as much as possible. We can giggle with Daria and Jane when Upchuck starts some shit. And we can gaze dreamily at Trent and ask ourselves why our own lives are so barren of these imagination people. I want to go there.

The best part? It's the ENTIRE series in 1 allegedly low priced 8 disc set. Uh...I don't care how much it is. My bank account will be depleted as soon as this hits the market.

In other news, how come nobody told me the following things:
1. Nick Jonas went solo and I now have the option to suffer through performances with Kevin?
2. MGMT is working with Royal Trux frontwoman Jennifer Herrema?

It's been a while since Lindsay did anything super buckwild. Because we've all gotten used to it. Well, how about Lindsay being a HOARDER interviewed by NIECY NASH!? Just when I think the old wrinkly bag has run out of steam, here comes Lindsay ready for action with all sorts of madness in her pockets.

It's definitely a feminist dance party kind of day:

Le Tigre - Sweetie

Bratmobile - What's Wrong With You

Gossip - Ain't It The Truth


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