
Light Asylum

There are so many ways to discover new music these days. Whether it be from a friend, Hype Machine, other blogs, magazines or whatever, there are SO many ways! I can chalk up my recent discovery of New York's Light Asylum to twitter. When you're going through your tweets and JD Samson calls a band "Best Band Ever!", you should probably take notice. So I did, and now I'm sharing them with you!

Light Asylum is pretty much a moniker for singer/songwriter/musician Shannon Funchess. Even if you're like me and are just discovering this project, you're probably more familiar with Shannon Funchess than you may think. She toured as a vocalist with !!! in 07/08 and was a featured on Heart of Hearts. More recently she lent background vocals to Telepathe on Dance Mother and appeared in their So Fine video. She's also worked with Bunny Rabbit and the Cult of Miracles and TV on the Radio, so between all of that stuff, you've probably at least heard Shannon Funchess' unique and fantastic voice!

As far as Light Asylum goes, she's began working with Bruno Coviello and they have a show with MEN coming up in New York, but no word on a record. She is, however, working on a record with TV on the Radio's Gerard Smith under the name Rose Parade. Let's hope for more music coming out from Shannon Funchess in 2010 in either form!

Here is Light Asylum's shallow tears remixed by Fatima Al Qadiri and the original, as well as !!!'s Heart of Hearts featuring Shannon Funchess on vocals. AND if you are in NYC, check out Light Asylum with MEN March 10 at the Mercury Lounge.

Light Asylum - shallow tears

Light Asylum - shallowtears (Fatima Al Qadiri Remix)

!!! - Heart of Hearts


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