
Must See TV

Is it just me or does it seem like there aren't awesome underground films being made anymore? Maybe I'm just out of touch and don't ever hear about them...but I feel like the queer/riot grrrl/punk/weirdos of the 90's made awesome no budget films that captured life in those scenes. For instance, I saw Sarah Jacobson speak about Mary Jane's Not a Virgin Anymore in a tiny theater in Ohio when she toured it in the 90s. That was probably the first time I realized that girls could make movies and that you didn't have to be in Hollywood to make movies and that queers, punks and weirdos could hang out and listen to Heavens to Betsy while making movies. It was amazing and I'm really glad I got to be there. What do we have like that now? The internet is supposed to connect us to anything in the world that we're interested in, but I still feel like the community of people making art in the queercore and riot grrrl scenes were more connected than we could ever be. I think that there was something special about trading tapes and zines and touring with your projects that has been mostly lost. It's my dream to have some sort of "homo a gogo on wheels" touring queer/weirdo fest so kids can once again cram into some tiny theater in Ohio or wherever to see this kind of stuff in person and hear people speak about their work and see bands play live and make friends IRL.

But until the boy/girl revolution comes again, enjoy these trailers for some movies you might not ever get to see* and some
music from them (or related).

*If anybody has any of these, I'd really love a copy!

The Hidden Cameras - Lollipop (Live)

Fifth Column - Ghost Of A Buffalo

Heavens To Betsy - My Secret (demo)


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