
The White Worm

I'm not sure how it happened, as it often is with the internets, but I stumbled upon an interview with this band The White Worm

The interview (conducted by Cody Critcheloe from SSION) starts like this: "The future of lesbian music can be summed up in two words: WHITE WORM!" I'm not sure if lesbians can be convinced of that, especially since it's kind of unclear whether or not White Worm is a joke, but their drunken night of Hole karaoke and a couple of Ambien version of Stevie Nicks' Stand Back has got me convinced. 

Also--the members of the band, Erin Zona and Rachel Mesplay Helm, seem like total pothead weirdos, which is always a plus. Check out Erin Zona's blog for more on her creative process. 

And here's the White Worm video: 


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