
Kim Ann Foxman at Stardust!

If you haven't been to Chicago's Stardust (a weekly queer dance party at Berlin Nightclub), you are really missing out! It seems like they really make an effort to blend the newest in indie dance djs and artists and freaky gayness...which is a totally awesome combo!

This Thursday Stardust is pulling out the stops by bringing in Kim Ann Foxman (from Hercules & Love Affair) to kick out the jams. I'm hoping she plays music that I've never even heard of and totally blows my mind!...or is at least good at mixing. Either way, I will definitely be there to check it out!

Here are some H&LA videos to get you excited!


pashly said... / April 23, 2009 at 9:24 AM  

hey if you are in chicago, you should check out COLIN SELF who is a recent chicago import (from Portland, OR) fun performancey/dance music , like a minimal Yaz if alison M was a young gay boy or, hmmm, just check it out!

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