
Lost Missing

Lost Missing is the latest project from author, activist, and artist Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, who you may know as the editor of the Queer anthology "That's Revolting: Queer Strategies for Resisting Assimilation" (or from her novels, or work with Gay Shame SF, or a ton of other awesome totally queer projects). 

Beginning around the end of January, Sycamore began posting images and writings around San Francisco that are meant to publicly express the personal grief of losing friends. Mattilda explains the project best:  "This project is a public expression of grief in order to feel hopeful again -- it’s about that random poster you see and you don’t know what it means but your eyes get bright all the sudden." 

Most of us have probably dealt with the feelings associated with losing a friendship and Lost Missing offers us a creative way of dealing with that. All 24 images created thus far are available for download on Mattilda's blog and you are invited to post them anywhere and everywhere. So far, Lost Missing images have been seen in Portland (OR), Berlin, Houston, DC, and a bunch of other places. If you post or see a Lost Missing poster in your town take a photo and send it to Mattilda for a potential future project using the Lost Missing documentation.  Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore


mattilda bernstein sycamore said... / April 5, 2009 at 11:26 PM  

Beautiful -- thanks so much for the support!

Love --

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