Working with found sounds, instant messenger samples, acoustics, electronics, and other tape recorded demonology, fire island, AK makes challenging, complex, and insane homosexual noise music that thankfully found it's way into our inbox.
I'm not going to lie, I've never sat down and listened to any noise bands. One time Wolf Eyes played at my college and that is the extent of my knowledge of noise. However, I don't need to be an expert to realize the thought and precision that goes into something that sounds as totally chaotic as the songs T. Boettner produces as fire island, AK. Being a homo constantly mistaken for a straight undercover cop or skinhead in South Carolina might have a little something to do with the dark nature of Boettner's music, but being a musician, first and foremost, allows him to create the intricately layered sonic seances and that musicianship is evident even in the most noisy noise.
The only way I can really sum it up is like this: Have you ever taken mushrooms? fire island, AK sounds like the part where you think that you will never feel normal again or that you are probably dying, but you still want to do mushrooms. That is what fire island, AK is like.
fire island, AK - AWAKE
fire island, AK - To Dwell In Filth

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