I am....

Another video from iamamiwhoami was posted today. Many of the people following this viral series, myself included, believed the 6th video would be the final reveal. We were wrong. What we have gotten from this video is music that sounds pretty different from the ambient music featured in the earlier videos, 'iam' spelled in blood, 'Welcome' spelled out in sticks and the mysterious woman saying 'Why'. Oh, and a monkey drawing. Which totally makes sense.

With all the build up this better lead to something AMAZING. However, I'm keeping my hopes down because I'm feeling more and more like this is gonna be someone I've never heard of.

One commenter on the YouTube page mentions that the stains in the snow are similar to the above photo that The Golden Filter posted on their Tumblr yesterday. Interesting, but the music in this video doesn't sound anything like what The Golden Filter have done so far in their career and the photo doesn't really match either. I'm saying that's a coincidence.

But really, I still have no idea. Do you?


rchrd oh?! said... / March 10, 2010 at 2:07 PM  

I still kind of think its christina. mostly because this person is now sending mtv packages, and we all know how much mtv loves xtina. also i read somewhere that sia said a track she wrote for xtina is called 'I am"

YoungCreature said... / March 11, 2010 at 3:09 PM  


it could very well be xtina. i really have no idea at this point. i definitely feel you on the sending stuff to mtv thing. i don't think an indie or unknown artist would even bother with mtv.

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