
Just Say No

In response to the state of Maine voting down gay marriage, Zack from TheNewGay.net caught up with the Hidden Cameras and got them to perform their 2004 song "Ban Marriage". The thought is, if gay people can't get married maybe nobody should be able to get married.

Personally, I think there are a lot of bigger and more important issues than gay (or straight) marriage in this country and that marriage is an antiquated religious rite and property ownership formality.  Besides that, I kind of like that marriage is one less boring thing gay people have to deal with...BUT... I do realize that it's important to a lot of people and there are logistical things like tax breaks and hospital visits (and whatever) that come up that we shouldn't be denied. Either way, joke or not, I'm on board with the Hidden Cameras' idea to just ban marriage altogether.

Here's the video of the Hidden Cameras singing their song (along with former member/solo artist Gentleman Reg) and check out The New Gay for other gay stuffs.

Thanks Zack!


jacqueline mary said... / November 11, 2009 at 1:54 PM  

im so confused by this picture

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