
Prayers for Children Presents INITIATION

Clean is Never 3, Zee Boudreaux, Hand Woven Digital Jacquard, 2009

INITIATION,the first issue of PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN (a new online queer art journal/gallery curated by Brother Bramm, Jody Jock, Greg Kaplowitz and myself) is now up for your viewing pleasure! With work by Zee Boudreaux, Roxanne Carter, Juliet Cook, Brian Dini, Mark Oliver Farley, David King, Finley Kipp, Scooter Laforge, Ashley Lande, Matt Lifson, Zachari Logan, Leslie Lowe, Daniel McKernan, Rhani Remedes, Heather Renee Russ, Brenden Shucart, Mica Sigourney, Max Steele, Chad Stose, and Jack X Taylor.

Also on the website is the submission call for the next issue:

more information about submitting available at the website.



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