
Queer Zines


Zines & self-publishing are super cool. I started making them as a young lass in the '90s & the awesomeness has never worn off. Fortunately lots of great people are still making great zines! One exciting way to get a whole bunch of queer zines all in one is by checking out Printed Matter's book Queer Zines, which "collects the variegated practices of zine makers past and present, from North America and Europe, and lists them alphabetically, starting with Toronto's 88 Chins and ending with the Dean Sameshima zine Young Men at Play. In a riotous assemblage of more than 200 pages, we find comprehensive bibliographies and sinful synopses for more than 120 zines by Alex Gartenfeld, excerpted illustrations and writings by zine makers, reprints of important articles in and about queer zines, a directory of important zine archives, and a list of zine outlets around the world. It also includes a 1980 interview with Boyd McDonald by Vince Aletti, Bimbox's pop-up genitalia (alas, not popping up here), Adam Block's early writings on zines from the Advocate, a "Where are They Now?" section that charts the careers of various queer zine pioneers, and excerpted interviews with GB Jones, Vaginal Davis, and Bruce LaBruce." (That's from Printed Matter's website.) You can purchase the book here.


Another cool queer zine project is B.T.F.A., an anonymous queer sex zine out of NYC. It's full of hot, strange and funny stories; the anonymity of the writers lends to an outlaw atmosphere of smart perverts creating a communal universe of sordid tales. You can get yourself a copy here.


I'll leave you with one more zine recommendation: A Hole in the Rubber by Orson Wagon. Wild tales moving in and out of (sur)reality with humor and a sharp eye, this little book will be loved by you, I guarantee it. It can be found at Needles & Pens in SF, or you can order it from their website.


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