
The Hangover

So as you all know, I've been fagging out over azn pop bands and shit like that for who knows how long.'s winter. And every winter, I turn into a Debbie Downer as well as the music taking a straight course to sad town. Seasonal Depression pretty much gets to us all.

I've recently become obsessed with super indie bands again (Korea, you're in trouble), and at the top of that list is Xiu Xiu. Followed by NSYNC. But anyways, Xiu Xiu...debuting with the LP "Knife Play", Jamie Stewart and pals (which has at points included Caralee McElroy, Yvonne Chen, and Sam Mickens of The Dead Science) released their last album in 2008 entitled "Women As Lovers", a return to more pop oriented melodies after the "The Air Force". "La Foret", and experimental pop masterpiece "Fabulous Muscles". They also released a record of early songs to tide us over for the 2010 release of "Dear God, I Hate Myself", which according to the title, all bets are fucking off. My favorite openly bisexual weirdo gay is coming back to us all. When they toured through Chicago and played the Pitchfork Festival (What year was that? I remember Annie and Out Hud were there...I think. I went to two of them) I totally lost my gay shit and threw my shirt onstage. LOST. MY. SHIT.

Xiu Xiu - You Are Pregnant, You Are Dead

Xiu Xiu - Asleep (The Smiths cover)

Xiu Xiu - I Luv The Valley OH!"


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