
Ultra Hate

Young Creature friend and fave Fire Island, AK just sent us some info on a noisy new project. ULTRA HATE, an Internet-only EP was recently released on the Collective Family ( for free streaming and download. t.boettner describes his latest project as "a strange remix album of sorts. mixes of gay house music (ew), a familiar disco standard, bits of my older work, and some other insanity." Ultra Hate is definitely a break from our usual fare, but as I've said before, I really appreciate when members of our community break away from the same old song and dance (routine). Jump over here to listen to and/or download the tracks!

Also, this would be an awesome EP to put on during Halloween. Forget Thriller, put something on that is actually dark and unnerving to celebrate a holiday that should be more about demons and less about sexy bees.

Here's the track that samples the "familiar disco standard":

Fire Island, AK - PNP (from Ultra Hate)



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