
Pop Stars Who Should Be Gay: Jo Kwon

There is one in every boyband, girlband, and country. Pop Stars who try to deceive the public with their fake love of the ladybits, man parts, etc. Remember when Melissa Etheridge and Lance Bass came out? And the whole world was like, "Um, duhhhhhhh". This situation needs to happen to a lot of others around the planet. Specifically, this guy:

HOW COME ALL THE FUN GAY SHIT NEVER HAPPENS ON US TELEVISION. And not that Chunk Bass Gossip Girl shit, you gotta be kidding me with that pathetic closed mouth mom kiss. Waiting for the good shit to happen is like watching frozen waffles melt. UGH. America needs to catch up cause right now, television is about as fun as eating saltpeter.

Anyways, apparently this guy's name is Jo Kwon, he has an ideal woman (named George), and is in some boyband called 2AM. Whatever he's doing at 2AM, it's sure to be packed with brute masculinity and steak. I kid. He's crafting and glueing rhinestones to skinny jeans. Just the way I like them.

Yum! Or "Ewwww" depending...


Anonymous said... / November 24, 2009 at 2:27 AM  

He's hot and you can say whatever you want. are you homophobic..they don't bight..unless it's your penis. Dont hate!

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