
Fag School

Of course you all know by now Oakland's Brontez. You may remember him as Junx from Gravy Train!!!! or from his latest (excellent) music project The Younger Lovers. But, unless your a zinester, you may not know that he also makes an awesome zine called Fag School.

Fag School is totally funny and smart (and reminiscent of old school queercore/riot grrl zines, see: jigsaw, J.D.s, Outpunk, etc) cut and paste, typewritten zine and is such an awesome and necessary break from blogs and electronics and the like. Fag School features all sorts of different types of reviews including job reviews, blackout reviews (as in, you know, blackout drunk), cruising reviews, record reviews, and stories about assorted "romantic follies" and parties and stuff. You will also find the "Ask Allison" column where people ask Allison Wolfe (Bratmobile, Partyline) questions, interviews with bands and people like New Bloods, Jenna Riot, and founder of Lookout! Records Larry Livermore (amongst others), a fashion advice column from Telfar, articles about rollerbladers and other stuff from guest contributors, and tons of pictures of hot naked guys.

Brontez first started making Fag School a few years back and after a lag he recently put out issue #3. You can read the first issue on the Queer Zine Archive Project website BUT you can also write to Brontez for issues here! I HIGHLY recommend checking out Fag School, you won't regret it!

Also, The Younger Lovers' video "Danny" debuted on Logo recently, and the new video for Sha-Boo-Bee will be premiering soon! You can pick up the Younger Lovers' debut cd Newest Romantic Retard Disco now.

We posted this before, but check out this video too!


Stacy K!!!!!!!!!!! said... / March 9, 2010 at 8:16 PM  

I want Brontez to be my boyfriend.

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