...To hate Perez Hilton.

So anybody who follows celebrity gossip at all probably already knows that waste of space Perez Hilton was punched in the face this weekend by Will.I.Am's manager outside of a club in Toronto. The story is that Fergie (of the Black Eyed Peas) went up to Perez and asked him why he wrote such nasty stuff about on his website while her outside of the MuchMusic award ceremony rehearsals in Toronto. The next night at one of the MuchMusic awards after parties, Will.I.Am approached Hilton and told him that he needed to stop writing about his "band" on his blog. And then things BLEW UP!
Well, they didn't actually blow up, but Perez and Will.I.Am exchanged words and Mr. AM's manager ended up punching Perez Hilton in the face 2 or 3 times!
Perez Hilton who went off on the Carrie Prejean thing, Perez Hilton who's all up on gay marriage, Perez Hilton who is debuting Gossip videos, Perez Hilton who IS A FAG, called someone else a faggot because:
"My intention - however misguided it may have been - was to stand up for myself and tell this belligerent man that I had enough of his badgering and was not going to continue to let him berate and intimidate me. I wanted to hurt him with the word I chose, not anyone else...."
The excerpt above is from Hilton's 2nd Statement.
In his first statement, which was a video blog, he said "I was gonna say what I thought was the worst possible thing that THUG would ever wanna hear. I was standing my ground without being violent or physical, which I would never do."
First of all, Will.I.Am a Thug? No. Even if Will.I.Am were swinging a baseball bat at me I would never consider that dude "a thug". If you ask me, that's pretty inappropriate and I feel like if Justin Timberlake or some other singer who wears fat ties and fedoras (and who aren't black) were in Hilton's face he would never use "thug" to describe him. I think the Black Eyed Peas are total crap, and Will's solo music is even worse, but none of it has ever been even the least bit thuggish. His appearance doesn't suggest thuggin', his music doesn't promote the thug life, and telling a blogger to stop drawing cum on a bandmate's face could not be so intimidating that it warrants him being called a thug. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that's another poor choice of words.
Second, is punching a guy (or getting punched) really worse than having 10 million people who read your blog everyday and the rest of the U.S. and Canada hearing you use the word Faggot as a slur? I'm of the opinion that it's not.
I mean, here's the thing, I'm not disappointed or surprised as I have always thought Perez Hilton was a complete waste of space, but you would think he would know better. After GLAAD released a statement asking for an apology and everyone is giving him a dose of his own medicine by completely making fun of him, he's backtracking on what he said and trying to make it out like he's a victim of violence and all this kind of stuff. He's also suing the Peas' manager for like 25 grand for "intentional infliction of emotional distress".
Here's the deal "Perez" : You got punched. You deserved it. You actually deserve to get punched many more times in the face. You are an embarrassment to the gay community and you need to go away. F-O-R-E-V-E-R.
Okay? Ok.