
Men in like?

So the new record "Music For Men" has leaked and I can honestly say that for me, Gossip needs to rethink their strategy. Over produced,'s kind of a mess. That's not to say that there aren't any gems hidden within the record, there are plenty of them. "Heavy Cross", the first single, blew up with a fat bassline and Beth Ditto shouting her hot fat ass all over the track. "Men In Love" features a hook that will get stuk in your head for days. And surprisingly, there is a disco piano number that drops a few lines from The Slits' cover of "I Heard It Through The Grapevine". Pretty good. Other than that, it's a pretty demure record. I don't think Rick Rubin would've been my first choice for producer, I'd probably go with Dave Sitek or you know, if you want to go all the way out, Xenomania. I wanted them to go all fucking out. There's always hope for another guys can decide for yourself.

Gossip - Men In Love


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