
Boner Dykes

So, I guess I'm out of the loop, but apparently there's some kind of ongoing feud between Beth Ditto and that skank Katy Perry? Awesome.

Anyways, "kitty purry" was angered when Beth called her a "boner dyke", or for those of you who are unfamiliar with the best thing I've ever heard, that's a girl who kisses other girls to attract men. This is HILARIOUS! Also-- When asked about calling the "I Kissed a Girl" drowning cat a "boner dyke" the only thing Beth said to clarify was "I feel guilty because it is such a funny expression and Hannah (Billie) didn't get the credit for it, but I don't feel differently than Hannah." A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! Katy Perry really struck back by letting everyone know she is "not impressed" with Beth Ditto. That's all you got?

Of course, I'd be selling Beth Ditto short if I didn't mention that she went on to speak about the seriousness of Perry's flippant pop garbage of a song's effect on the public. She went on to say "It's not about Katy Perry. It's about this song and its innocence on her part. To her, it's just this party song. But as a gay person, it's like, 'Oh, of course this straight person singing about kissing a girl goes straight to Top 40 and people buy this record. Who can give a f--- about real gay people?' That's what's really painful about the whole thing. That's what makes me laugh about 'I'm not impressed.' It's like, 'Oh, that's what you think? Of course, because you never thought about what a real gay person feels, and the impact that a song like that has on the gay world in a time of crucial civil rights.' That's just one of the examples of what the mainstream is thinking about queer culture, when actually, we are completely fighting for our rights right now."

Beth also relayed a story of exactly how much it sucks to not have equal rights. You can read the original article here.

Add this to the list of things that make Beth Ditto amazing!


t. boettner said... / June 19, 2009 at 6:48 PM  

Not a fan of Beth Ditto, but mad props for pointing out the irony. Yeah, "I Kissed A Girl" blows up the charts, but what about "Fabulous Muscles" (Xiu Xiu) or "I Thought You Were My Boyfriend" (Magnetic Fields), which garner nowhere near the same level of interest.

I might have to give The Gossip a third chance.

Here said... / June 23, 2009 at 5:17 PM  

I am henceforth spreading "Boner Dyke" across the greater New Englad area.

Thank you, Beth Ditto.

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