
Junction City ain't the spot

I know I'm real late on this song, as it's been out since like, 200not9, but it's a good song. Released on the "Wig In A Box" compilation CD to benefit the Harvey Milk School in NYC in 2003, the album was a mish mash of indie superstars like Yo La Tengo, Sleater-Kinney, Yoko Ono, and Spoon. One track in particular struck me real fierce.

The Breeders up until then had been pretty inactive, taking 9 long years to release their follow-up to "Last Splash". Invited onto the project, they decided to cover "Wicked Little Town" for the compilation and the results are breathtaking. I've never heard either of them play so gentle yet so resonant. It really goes to show the pure talent of the Deal sisters.

The Breeders - Wicked Little Town


Patrick Wolf's new video

To continue with the barrage of videos that have come out over the last week, we now have for you the latest from Patrick Wolf. The video for his song "Hard Times" is like a psychedelic journey of the past and future of Liquid Sky while hanging out with the ghost of Klaus Nomi, or in other words total awesomeness.

Turn on the blacklight and enjoy Patrick Wolf's new video, and for good measure here are some videos of the amazing Klaus Nomi. If you aren't familiar with him, there's a really good documentary called "The Nomi Song" that you should really check out!



I can safely say that Hearts Revolution are one of my favorite electro duos. I mean, there are A LOT of electro duos so that's kind of saying something. They have enough roughness to be interesting but enough pop to make it fun and I really like that they remixed Huggybear's "Her Jazz". I've also always kind of felt like they are what riot grrl would be like if that were still a thing, so that's a definite plus! 

Their latest song 薔薇と彼女の王子 or The Rose and her Prince (from Kitsune Maison 7) is a totally cute low-fi electro ballad that I could easily become obsessed with. The recently released video is also obsess-worthy! It's a re-edit of the film version of Le Petit Prince, or The Little Prince, (whichever you prefer) and manages to add beauty to an already beautiful thing.

Take a look at the video, and enjoy the Hearts Revolution remix of Her Jazz!

Huggybear - Her Jazz (Hearts Revolution Remix)



YoungCreature fave MEN have just finished their European tour and are back to debut their latest video. The video, for the song Simultaneously, was made by New York artist Leidy Churchman and fuses the one of the band's lower key songs with images of paint being manipulated by various objects including hair, mops, plungers and more. It's an interesting take on a music video and a nice visual compliment to the song.

Check it out!


If you like gossip, you're gonna love....

...Music for Men! 

Gossip just released a totally gay and sweaty late night commercial for their latest album Music for Men. If you didn't know already, it comes out June 22, but you knew that already. 


I got that Tammy Faye milk money

The new Simian Mobile Disco single has leaked to the web and it is a step forward and to the left for the duo. Gone are the big beats and fat synth bass lines. Instead we get a slinky, sexy jam complete with monster backup vocals and Chris Keating bragging for 4 minutes. It's pure pop smash. I'm not entirely sure what it's about, but from the title, I'm pretty convinced it's about being audaciously huge. Down there.

The new album "Temporary Pleasure" will be released courtesy of Wichita Recordings (Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Conor Oberst, Bloc Party, Les Savy Fav) in the UK on August 17th (The band has been dropped by their American Label...lame). Guests on the album include Beth Ditto, Jamie Lidell, and Alexis Taylor of Hot Chip.

Simian Mobile Disco - Audacity Of Huge (ft. Chris Keating of Yeasayer)


I'm a lesbian. Would you like to punch me?

Gina Young from Team Gina has just announced a call for submissions for her latest project. After a string of events in Seattle, and with the Prop 8 decision today, Young is working on a new public/performance art project and wants your help.

Check it out!


Hey friends,

Gina Young here, a.k.a. Gina Genius from Team Gina. I'm writing to you today because I'm "like so totally over" violence against queer people and the constant denial of our rights as human beings. Not only did California uphold Proposition 8 today, banning gay marriage, but Seattle has seen yet another in a string of hate crimes and I am ready to do something about it!

You can read more about the specific recent incident on my blog at http:​​/​​/​​myspace.​​com/​​ginayoung

In response to the ubiquitous threat of violence against lesbians, I am starting a public art / performance art project entitled, "I'm a lesbian. Would you like to punch me?"

If you would like to participate in this project, here's all you have to do:

1) Make a sign, on a big piece of posterboard or using any materials you would like, that says "I'm a lesbian. Would you like to punch me?"

2) Take a picture of yourself holding that sign. [For this project to have maximum impact, I would like to request that only lesbian-​​identified people hold the signs. Friends and allies are welcome to take the picture or appear elsewhere in the picture, but please let's only have the signs held by actual lesbians.]

3) Send pictures to gina@​​ginayoung.​​com [Please note that submitting your pictures to that address indicates consent to have them published on the internet and potentially in other media.]

For the second part of this project I am thinking of doing a series of public performances in which I will stand on a busy street corner with a sign reading "I'm a lesbian. Would you like to punch me?" to see if anyone punches me. This portion of the project will be site-specific to Seattle, to call the city out on its passive-​​aggressiveness.​​ Despite its somewhat-​​deserved reputation as a friendly, liberal city, Seattle has seen a rash of hate crimes against queer people recently as well as threats against gay bars and other queer spaces. I personally am sick of watching my friends hide their sexuality in public places because they fear the violence that lurks just beneath the surface.

Thanks for spreading the word!
Gina Young


I'm a lesbian. Would you like to punch me?

Gina Young from Team Gina has just announced a call for submissions for her latest project. After a string of events in Seattle, and with the Prop 8 decision today, Young is working on a new public/performance art project and wants your help.

Check it out!


Hey friends,

Gina Young here, a.k.a. Gina Genius from Team Gina. I'm writing to you today because I'm "like so totally over" violence against queer people and the constant denial of our rights as human beings. Not only did California uphold Proposition 8 today, banning gay marriage, but Seattle has seen yet another in a string of hate crimes and I am ready to do something about it!

You can read more about the specific recent incident on my blog at http:​​/​​/​​myspace.​​com/​​ginayoung

In response to the ubiquitous threat of violence against lesbians, I am starting a public art / performance art project entitled, "I'm a lesbian. Would you like to punch me?"

If you would like to participate in this project, here's all you have to do:

1) Make a sign, on a big piece of posterboard or using any materials you would like, that says "I'm a lesbian. Would you like to punch me?"

2) Take a picture of yourself holding that sign. [For this project to have maximum impact, I would like to request that only lesbian-​​identified people hold the signs. Friends and allies are welcome to take the picture or appear elsewhere in the picture, but please let's only have the signs held by actual lesbians.]

3) Send pictures to gina@​​ginayoung.​​com [Please note that submitting your pictures to that address indicates consent to have them published on the internet and potentially in other media.]

For the second part of this project I am thinking of doing a series of public performances in which I will stand on a busy street corner with a sign reading "I'm a lesbian. Would you like to punch me?" to see if anyone punches me. This portion of the project will be site-specific to Seattle, to call the city out on its passive-​​aggressiveness.​​ Despite its somewhat-​​deserved reputation as a friendly, liberal city, Seattle has seen a rash of hate crimes against queer people recently as well as threats against gay bars and other queer spaces. I personally am sick of watching my friends hide their sexuality in public places because they fear the violence that lurks just beneath the surface.

Thanks for spreading the word!
Gina Young


Dance Til You're Dead

A host of new music videos have been released in the past week...all focusing on dancing, Michael Jackson Impersonators, Ron Perlman from that weirdo Beauty and The Beast movie he did, explosions, and guts and glitter, etc.

First up is the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs video for their single "Heads Will Roll".

Guys, that's gross. But at least they finally made a video that doesn't entirely suck. I like videos with narratives and frankly, "Zero" didn't cut it. This one kind of rules. Especially since the guys are all glitter and stuff.

Sweden is pretty gay and I'm pretty gay for Sweden. That country has singlehandedly churned out more quality pop music in the past 5 years then America has in like, 20. Seriously. That's how gay I am for Sweden. Peter Bjorn and John is a band I've loved for quite some time (although I'm honestly way over that "Young Folks" song now let's try to get over "Since U Been Gone", please). They just released their follow up album entitled "Living Thing" and all the videos thus far have been the weirdest thing I've seen. I've also been pretty stoned watching them, so that doesn't help in the least. Here is their video for "It Don't Move Me". The song is quite good.

And last but not least, we come to Grizzly Bear. The video "Two Weeks" was directed by Patrick Daughters (who did all the videos for Feist off her "The Reminder" album). This is exactly what I feel like when I walk into a church.


Prop 8, Robyn, and Royksopp

Everyone has their own views about gay marriage, and the contributors to Young Creature are no different. Me? I believe in radical marriage. I don't think that matrimony has to be an inherently patriarchial institution, and that traditions are what you make them. I also think it's important that queer people are recognized legally as people, and that our relationships, no matter how we form them, are protected against bigots by the law.
So, as an anti-assimilationist dyke bitch and a lady who also wants to get hitched some day, I'm totally totally psyched that the California Supreme Court has announced that it will announce their decision on Prop 8 on Tuesday, May 26th!!

Love it, hate it, don't care one bit, or whatever, nobody can say that Tuesday won't be a big day for queer history. Bring it, California! And seriously, Cali, let's have a little talk here. If you become a state where you can buy pot very important medical necessities in a store AND get gay married (bonus points for drive-thru chapels), get ready for some serious new residency in the form of this Creature.

To take it down a notch - check out Röyksopp's new video featuring Robyn for "The Girl and The Robot". I adore Robyn, but she's a little like Ludacris in the way that she is so much better on other people's songs than her own (see: With Every Heartbeat)

She's totally gone high femme for this video, a huge departure from her usual androgynous attire. Robyn, I wonder about you (you're obviously a huge lez... right? or at least bisexual, and not in a Fergie way). This video is totally crazy. I'm not sure what I don't understand more... you going drag on us, or the ending of this video. Either way, the song is ammmaaazzziinnnnggggg. I can't wait to hear the remixes, because this song should totally be about six minutes longer!


Bruce LaBruce

Pornographer, photographer, and queercore pioneer Bruce LaBruce opens a new solo exhibition of his work this weekend in Los Angeles. The exhibition, titled "Untitled Hardcore Zombie Project" will feature a never before seen opening night performance that will seemingly combine elements from LaBruce's recent work, which weaves together hardcore gay porn and zombie/horror filmmaking. 

Bruce LaBruce, along with G.B. Jones, first became known when they wrote the queer punk zine "J.D.s" in 1985. J.D.s featured photos, drawings, and stories written by LaBruce and Jones and included their "Top Ten Homocore Hits", which was a collection of queer-themed punk songs they were into. An article from one of the issues of J.D.s called "Don't Be Gay", that challenged both gay and punk subcultures, was published in Maximum Rock N Roll in 1989 and kind of marked the beginning of the emerging queercore scene. 

LaBruce has put a queer-punk-porno twist on topics like "terrorist chic" in Raspberry Reich, old Hollywood and gay prostitutes in Hustler White, or in his latest Otto; or Up with Dead People, gay zombies. Otto also features a soundtrack with queer faves Antony and the Johnsons and Coco Rosie, amongst others. 

If you haven't ever seen a Bruce LaBruce movie, you really should! His work is totally punk and queer and funny and dirty and genius!  Here are some clips of his films to get you started and Bruce himself  talking about his early days in filmmaking.Also--If you want to read the whole press release and Bruce LaBruce's history with zombies and porn, you can do that HERE


Children get older

This is a cover of "Landslide" by the PS22 Elementary school choir. Um...why did they not have this at my elementary school? These kids are amazing. Also the guy is pretty hot too. I guess you can make song requests on their official blog page, so if there are enough requests for "Bombs Over Baghdad", do you think they'd do it? Wait, scratch that, I want to hear a cover of "I Met Him On A Sunday"!!! They've done covers of Tori Amos, Crowded House, and Megadeth. OK, one of those 3 bands is a lie and you have to guess which one. They've also done back-up vocals for Passion Pit!!!!

OK seriously, I love these kids. They're so inspiring. And I don't know their situation but it really does shed a light in my mind on the disappearance of art programs in the public school systems. When I was growing up, we didn't have that stuff and I had to pay out the butt to go to private school just to get into a photography lab. LAME. School shouldn't be like that. Anyways, there are tons of charities out there to donate to for multiple things, but my favorite is Donors Choose because it's super specific.

Oh also, I didn't have a music program in school. Well I did, but we sat in a classroom that you had to go through like, the wood shop for to get to and the teacher was soooooo cranky and kept showing us videos of like, that Shirley Temple movie "Heidi". Mr. B (as is listed on the blog profile, I assume stands for Mr. Beautiful) looks like the teacher I wish I had in elementary school. UGHHHH I'M SO JEALOUS OF THESE KIDS.


Fagget Fairys

A little while back Fagget Fairys debut full-length album Feed the Horse was released on Kenneth Bager's Music for Dreams label. If you haven't checked it out yet--Now's your chance! You can listen to the whole album online on the Danish music website Soundvenue

If you aren't familiar with the Fairys, they first came onto the U.S. scene in 2007 when Palms Out Sounds put out their 12" single Samo Ti/Uzela, which quickly sold out and spawned remixes from Drop the Lime, AC Slater, Zombie Disco Squad and a bunch of others. 

Earlier this year the dynamic lesbo duo released the title single from Feed the Horse. The original mix is  a dark, quirky, and kind of dirty feeling dubbed out night beginner or ender. There are a few different remixes of Feed the Horse floating around too,  but you can check my favorite-the HandClap Remix- as well as the original version and the video below! 

As a bonus, I've also included DJ HandClap's bangin' remix of Sgt. Sass' "I'll Take Your Man"! 


Kill yr boyfriend

Who remembers the band Bis? They were pretty much my soundtrack from 1997-2003. Bratty, anti-corporate, crusaders against media standards. They were the punks I wanted to hang out with who not-so-secretly also loved listening to top 40 radio. After a string of albums released on The Beastie Boy's label Grand Royal, and their final album "Return To Central" on spinArt, Bis broke up. That was pretty much the day I decided life would never be good anymore. They accomplished an insane amount of press for an indie band, being the first unsigned artists to play the UK's Top OF The Pops, selling 100,000 copies of their debut album in Japan, and oh yeah, being responsible for the end theme of The Powerpuff Girls.

Manda Rin (vocalist, keyboardist) has recently released her first proper post-Bis solo album, "My DNA" on US label Retard Disco. I am so fucking happy. She has taken the sound of Bis and made it a little smoother, more groove oriented, and definately more disco. Buy the album if you like it, cause it's a pretty good party album.

Manda Rin - Love To Hate You

Manda Rin - Guilty Pleasure

I had to upload these myself as I own the album and there are NO MP3 SAMPLES ANYWHERE ON THE WEB. Obviously, if they contact me I will take them down. Actually, if Manda Rin contacted me, I think I'd die before being able to delete the links.



Having released the sold-out Fine as Fuck (Scream Club f. Peaches)/I'm Going Crazy EP on his own Rock Machine record label a couple of years ago, electro-sleazer Electrosexual is back with some of new music!

Electrosexual is a Berlin based "one man electronic band" who uses analog synths and a little help from some awesome friends to create music that, as Rough Trade Records describes it, "is standing somewhere between the rawness of the current french scene and the funk of Chicks on Speed". The song we were lucky enough to get from him, "Break You Nice" is no exception to that. It has 2 or 3 funky basslines running under and over swirling synths, an 80's backbeat, diva vocals, space noises, Scream Club rapping, and maybe even a Madonna sample! There's a lot going on in the song, including more guest appearances from Zoe Vermillion (of Vermillion Lies) and Mz Sunday Luv, but it's never too much and everything combines to make a fun, upbeat jam. It's a 4-minute good time that SHOULD find it's way into your queer dance party mix soon!

Electrosexual is currently working on a full-length album with appearances from Shunda K (of Yo Majesty), Nicky Clik, Jenna Riot, and Sheila Chipperfield (of Elastica), amongst others, and is working on a project with Mirah! He also recently did remixes of SSION's "Ah Ma" and "Sucker for Your Sound" from the Sheffield based band I Monster, so be sure to check those out! In addition to all of that--Electrosexual will be playing some shows in Europe, so if you are like my friend Syd and just moved to Berlin--Check him out live! As if that wasn't enough, Electrosexual just released a Spring mix tape, jump over here for that one. 


Where are all the women?

I remember hearing of a band in high school called Chicks On Speed and saying to myself "that has to sound like some crazy shit". And I was right. Chicks On Speed are insane. They are multimedia artists who take their shows to club venues around the world as well as fitting in nicely in gallery and museum shows. One time they opened for the Red Hot Chili Peppers and got booed off 10 minutes into their set. ART.

The Chicks are set to take the world by storm yet again with their fifth album "Cutting The Edge". Original member Kiki Moorse has left to embark on a DJ career (The name Kiki will get you anywhere in my book) while Anat Ben-David, A.L. Steiner, and Kathi Glas have joined original members Alex Murray-Leslie and Melissa Logan. "Art Rules" leaked out a bit ago and now we are also given the official first single "Super Surfer Girl". Enjoy!

Chicks On Speed - Super Surfer Girl

Chicks On Speed - Art Rules


Jeppe teams up with Classixx

Gay disco bear Jeppe has lent his vocals to a new track from blog stars Classixx.  The song is from an upcoming EP collaboration between French label Kitsune and Mark "the cobrasnake" Hunter, and supposedly represents "the finest of the new American scene". The two-song EP, to be released June 1st, also features another collabo, this time from Acid Girls and Frankmusik.  Not sure two songs and the cobrasnake can really represent the finest of the new American scene, but the Classixx/Jeppe song is kind of a jam. 

I'm sure the song will be all over the blogs soon enough, but in the meantime, you can check out the cobrasnake-directed video for "I'll Get You" below. 


Dear Max

A little while back I posted about a short-lived band named Jacqueline Bon Bon that featured Anna Oxygen and some other awesome girls from Olympia. If you didn't read that post, you can find it HERE

Anyways, a person named Max was super excited that we posted a couple of JBB's songs, because they are pretty much impossible to find and they'd been looking for them online for years. In honor of Max's excitement, and the fact that Jacqueline Bon Bon was a really great band...I'm posting their other three songs!! 

To Max: I hope you totally fall back in love with Jacqueline Bon Bon!! To everyone else: I hope you totally fall in love with Jacqueline Bon Bon! 


Give me every little thing

The Juan MacLean has always been a favorite of mine. Blasting out dancefloor gems where machine meets the organic in a harmonious way, they pretty much destroyed my car speakers 2005-2007. Growing up in Boston, I had heard of John MacLean's pre-Juan Providence, RI band Six Finger Satellite (I honestly was not all that impressed but then again I was really into my own punk band at the time). When they broke up, obvi I was not really saddened and not expecting anything else from this man...And then we, the American public, were given his debut "Less Than Human". Did that album even have any bad songs on it? It was like a DFA fuckfest. It was everything labelmates The Rapture weren't, which was um, melodic and catchy.

Fast forward 4 years later, Nancy Whang (Of LCD Soundystem) has joined the line-up and they have released another classic album "The Future Will Come" on DFA Records. I fucking hate those 2. Like, the amount of talent I have in my whole body they totally have in their pinky finger. The beats are insane on this album and the vocal interplay between John and Nancy, it's like, these 2 were meant for one another. Recently, they have put out a remix EP for their single "One Day" which quite honestly, if the original can outshine some and keep up with the remixes, that's a job well done.

The Juan MacLean - One Day

The Juan MacLean - One Day (James Curd Remix)


I choose you

Now I'm not a big fan of dance remixes. They tend to beat the original and try to expand it from a perfect 3 minute song into a 9 minute club jam. Did Goldfrapp's "Slide In" really need a 12 minute remix, DFA? No! Which brings me to Fred Falke's remix of Gossip's "Heavy Cross". The song in itself was pretty good to begin with: Thumping bass, handclaps, the occasional pitter patter of synths, Beth Ditto screaming her hot-chub ass all over it. Fred Falke literally took her voice and painted it over a synth filld dreamy landscape for 8 minutes...and I love it! In a time where remixes have become sloppy let's-just-add-an-extra-800bpm-to-this, Fred Falke has taken a song given to him and reimagined it. "Heavy Cross" has become an entirely new song for me. I might even like the remix better. Gossip should think about doing an EP of electro-pop jams. It could totally be cool. In fact, I've been dreaming of the day where Brace Paine would lay a fucking punk rock distorted solo over a 4/4 808 beat.

Gossip - Heavy Cross (Fred Falke Remix)


He keeps me alive

Sally Shapiro is the pseudonym for a Swedish singer who does not wish to be known. She has never revealed her God given identity or performed live and so far has been entirely produced by a man named Johan Agebjorn (How do you do those double dot umlaut things? I'm so stupid). Instead, she lets her music speak for itself, and boy does it ever. Her first album of italo-disco classics "Disco Romance" blew the roof off my tiny studio when it came out. 2 remix albums followed pushing her already beat heavy coo even more towards the dancefloor.

3 years later and the public has been given Sally Shapiro's first single from her proper follow up album. "Miracle" is quite simply put, AMAZING. There are samples of thunder and lightning. There's a spoken french intro. It should have been made as the national anthem for Fantasia. Look for her new album tentatively scheduled to be released this summer by Paper Bag Records (I almost wrote Paper Fag, seriously, wtf?)

Sally Shapiro - Miracle


Submit to Prayers For Children


Recently I wrote about a neat project called Prayers For Children. P4C's next move is turning into an online zine, with new co-conspirators (including me!) and new types of media being welcomed into the fold. Below is the submission call for the first issue, which you really want to be a part of, I can assure you:

Prayers for Children is seeking submissions for its next issue, an online exhibition curated by Brother Bramm, Jody jock and P4Cs newest co-conspirators Gregory Kaplowitz and Gina Abelkop.

Deadline Sunday June 7th.

A Little Golden Book about queer sex Magik.
Innocent youth transformed through fetish, occult, mythology and the inherent fears and emotions involved.
Spiritual nostalgia. Psychic and psychedelic fiction told in dark beautiful language.

All media considered.
Enter up to 10 submissions.
Written submissions limited to short stories, fables, poetry and prayers.
Jpegs saved Photoshop level 12 that is at least 800 pixels vertical.
Intention is important and submissions should come from a place of love.

Submit To:



I have a weird internal problem with a lot of gay musicians which somehow I have identified with sappy, woe-is-me ballady crap (Rufus Wainwright anyone? I cannot for the life of me get into that man's music). It's terrible, I know, and it just make me look like a homophobic homo. I really don't hate myself, I love ballads, so why can't I get over this weird stigma that has materialized itself in my crazy head? Because when I boil it all down, it just plain sucks. The melodies are terrible, the voices usually bother me in some way or another (Too nasally, too femmey, too coffeehouse with all the annoying weird vocal ticks thrown in, I'm talking to you Ani Difranco). I sound like a total asshole right? Especially since I make lo-fi shoegaze pop and I'm guilty of the same shit! It's awful, I know.

Lately, a trend has begun to emerge where things are just finally clicking. Patrick Wolf makes me want to kiss his toes. I want to go down on Dan Gillespie Sells. I even want to braid Ani Difranco's hair and order her a pizza. What is going on? In my somewhat radical youth, being queer and politically active had become more associated with standing out, creating a scene, and not being entirely sure of what scene I wanted to create or what the whole point of it was. The truth is, I just wanted to be seen and popular. I look back on that and chide myself on creating an ideal of what queer was. There will always be a spectrum of queer art out there, and while I may not like all of it, I should respect and be grateful for it being out there (especially now since I've become the most boring queer on the planet). Which brings me to this burning hunk of love named Chris Garneau...

His music makes me want to wet my bed and love it, and at the same time jump up and down and hi-five people. I don't quite get it, but that's ok. It's pop music at the end of the day. Plus he's put his record out on Absolutely Kosher Records (who have put out records by Xiu Xiu, Goblin Cock, Optiganally Yours, The Hidden Cameras, +/-, and other left-field indie pop acts), who I absolutely ADORE. Maybe it's a sign I'm getting older. Or less picky. I cannot stop listening to this man. Of course, if you know me, my first reaction was "WTF IS THIS CRAP?". I absolutely hated it. I had randomly come across him on like, I dunno, Pitchfork or some other stupid snarky hipster blog, but whatever that's besides the point. I love Chris Garneau and I have formally put together a public apology letter. It goes like this:

Dear Chris Garneau,

I am sorry that I couldn't sit through a 4 minute music video of your song "Relief". I am sorry that I am a stupid hipster asshole and called you a dumb bedwetter (Not out loud, just in my mind). Most of all, I am sorry that I came to my own conclusion too quickly. Now I love you. If you ever need anyone to record back up vocals for free, contact me and I will teleport my ass to wherever you are. I can also cook real good for you. That's not me being creepy and hitting on you through an open letter, BTW.


Chris Garneau - Not Nice

Chris Garneau - Between The Bars (Elliott Smith cover)
(MP3 courtesy of Stereogum)

Y'all should buy his albums, they're totes good.


My Massive Feelings (Fragments from the Diary of a Young Girl)


Laurie Weeks (a bio. found on the internet says that she "explores a world of girls snared in a matrix of cultural sociopathology and their own self-loathing. Emphasizing imagery and deadpan humor, her stories have a surreal overcast and combine gothic elements with science fiction") is currently writing this terrific on-going piece for Vice Magazine called My Massive Feelings (Fragments from the Diary of a Young Girl). If you were ever a teenaged girl obsessed with your own dark feelings and Sylvia Plath, or if you are a grown girlish-type creature still obsessed with your own dark feelings and Sylvia Plath (here here!), this is a must read; hilarity and truly touching memories hidden in your own angsty past will ensue. Check it out here and don't forget to read part II as well.

I have always felt like girls being obsessed with Miss Plath was, ok, yes, an angsty tortured goth poet thing BUT also a totally queer thing. Think of the Plath girls you knew, or know now, and watch those threads sew themselves together. There was one specific reading of a Plath poem as queer in one of her many biographies (I am referencing the one talked about in Janet Malcolm's book The Silent Woman; if you are interested in Plath you should really read it) and her ex-husband got really upset, like "what if her children read this someday! defamation!" Like finding out that your mom may have had some queer tendencies would be the worst thing in the world. And considering the context, literally, there is no way that a little bit of gayness could have been the worst part of the Plath legacy. Come on now.


Cloud-Eye Control

Cloud Eye Control is the latest project from YoungCreature fave Anna Oxygen. Oxygen teamed up with Chi-Wang Yang and Miwa Matreyek to form a collaborative performance group who create live performances that incorporate music, video, puppetry, illusions, animation, constructed set pieces and costumes that almost pop my head off because they blow my mind so hard. 

In their three works thus far, they have re-imagined Charles Lindburgh's solo trans-atlantic flight (Ocean Flight), made a "hyper opera" about an underground mine worker who goes through a "surreal and spooky" surgery so that scientists may find a powerful crystal that is housed in her body (Subterranean Heart), and told the story of a young woman who has her dreams stolen by a "dream sucking machine" (Final Space).  Each work is equally amazing looking, and Anna Oxygen's psychedelic space pop is perfectly fitted to these performances. As much as I love her music, it seems her work is even better as part of this kind of collaboration. 

Late last year Cloud Eye Control debuted their latest work, Under Polaris, as part of the TBA festival at the Portland Institute for Contemporary Art. Under Polaris continues exploring the human relationship to science and technology, but also tackles the interdependence of humans and nature through the story of a woman on a mission to "preserve the finer elements of humanity in Arctic ice". 

Cloud Eye Control is based in Los Angeles, but they are currently working on their 2009 schedule of hopefully someone will bring them to Chicago!! 
Take a look at this excerpt from Under Polaris, and be sure to go to their website to view clips from their past works. 


t. boettner

We just got word from our friend t. boettner (from fire island, AK) that he will be releasing some new stuff soon! 

First up he's got a limited-edition cassette titled Guilt coming out in June. Only 100 of these will be made so make sure to check out his Myspace page for details on ordering! 

He's also got a three-disc album coming out on the We Heart Arts Digital label (UK), which will probably be available by the time I finish writing this! 

If you didn't see our post on fire island, can check that out here


David Wojnarowicz

Untitled (One day this kid . . .) 1990

Carlo McCormick: "[David Wojnarowicz] was doing guerilla art with Julie Hair; he went into the stairwell of Leo Castelli's gallery and poured gallons of cow's blood all over with stencils about hunger on the walls...

But the first guerilla thing I actually ever saw him do was when he made these cock-a-bunnies. He cut out little triangles of white paper for their ears and a little piece of cotton for their tail and stuck them on live cockroaches. They were really cute because they just wobbled around. He made thousands of them and brought them to the 'Beast Show' at PS1. The show was all about artists dealing with animals and he wasn't invited. So he snuck in during the opening and dumped the cock-a-bunnies all over the place."

-from the terrific book David Wojnarowicz: A definitive history of five or six years on the lower east side, published by semiotext(e)

*Listen to David read from his works (which include the excellent The Waterfront Journals, Close to the Knives, and In the Shadow of the American Dream, amongst others) in 1992 here

*View more of his art here

"Fire in My Belly": A Film by David W. with music by Diamanda Galas

Videos of David reading from his work with collages interspersed:


Cat Tyc

There's something about Portland that creates magic. I don't know if it's the rain, the mountains, the food carts, the bike-friendly streets, the cheap rent, or what....but the people and things that come from there-or live there-or come out of there are generally pretty amazing. 

One person currently proving my point is writer/video artist Cat Tyc

Cat Tyc has been steadily producing video work ranging from gallery shown pieces to experimental karaoke videos since 2002. In between exhibiting at the Brooklyn Museum of Art, The Portland Experimental & Documentary Festival, Ladyfest East, on Miranda July's Big Miss Moviola/Joanie 4 Jackie video series, and countless other venues big and small, Cat shot the showcases for The Rock N' Roll Camp for Girls--which is one of the coolest things ever created. Recently Cat has finished her first narrative film Umbrella, which focuses on a woman having an abortion and a documentary/profile on artist Nicole Georges. She's also currently working with Pashly on a series of video installations. 

After reading about all the cool stuff Cat has done over the years, I had to see what she was all about. So I jumped over to her vimeo page to watch Umbrella, and this left me even more impressed with Cat Tyc. Umbrella blends beautifully shot film, experimental technique, and artfully selected music and sound to create a compelling and abstract take on a subject that could have easily turned into melodrama ala an episode of 90210. 

Be sure to check out Cat's website to see what else she's been up to, and don't forget to head over here to watch some of her work. In the meantime, I've included a piece from 2006 entitled "Furness" and the "Night Owl" video she made for the awesome (but now defunct) band Swan Island. 

Furness from cat on Vimeo.


Fucked for life

Once in a while, a band comes along where it takes me years to get into (Animal Collective, anyone? I'm still not that into them) and then I see a picture of them and I just want to die. Dirty Projectors is one of those bands. Is there even an ugly member in that band? No! I'd even do the drummer, who is cute, but you know my aversion to white boys (Dave Longstreth doesn't count, he totes looks half-latino, so I can jump on that bandwagon). Seriously, there is too much cute in that band. One time at work, there was too much cute at this one table, I had to go on a smoke break. Dirty Projectors is my table 46 from sunday brunch. And for once, I also like their music, unlike a certain band that starts with "T" and ends in "he Horrors" (just cause Lux Interior is dead doesn't mean we need a grade b version of The Cramps). Now I know this is a queer media blog, but honestly, so many of my favorite bands fall into these categories:

1. They aren't queer
2. I have no idea if they're queer
3. They're 1 Corona away from being queer

Ugghhhhhh, a boy can dream. Here are some samples:

Dirty Projectors - Stillness Is The Move
(MP3 @ You Ain't No Picasso, a totes cute blog)

Dirty Projectors - Hyperballad (Bjork cover)

Seriously, who can so "no" to this mug? Even if it's a drawing. God, this is worse than the time my frienemy Steve in highschool admitted he had a crush on Quinn Morgandorfer from MTV's Daria. Oh yeah, pick up their new album "Bitte Orca" on June 9th courtesy of Domino Records.



Lovewarz in action/on tour
(please tell us if you took this picture, i couldn't find a credit)

Lovewarz is a collaborative art-making effort comprised of Siobhan Aluvalot and Sara thustra, two dynamically-dressed SF-based performance/visual artists. Last year they made, released and toured with their fantastic short film "Baby Xalm Down Bye," which is full of complicated takes on misogyny, femme solidarity, loneliness, non/monogamy and dolphins and includes both live performances edited in with pre-written footage. Also includes (as per everything I post about apparently) great outfits and some stellar contributions from another terrific local artist, Sy Wagon. Instead of doing a regular film tour where people are like "Ahem look at my celluloid" Lovewarz performed live every night with shifting narratives and intense feelings, just for you, and gave away hundreds of copies of their movie for everyone to enjoy/freak out about.

If you were lucky enough to catch Siobhan and Sara on tour last year with Gravy Train!!!! then you know just how exciting their projects, whether live or filmed, are, but if not, have no fear! Below I am posting some short clips from "Baby Xalm Down Bye" as well as the music videos they did for Younger Lovers (Brontez from Gravy Train!!!!'s solo project). If you'd like a copy of their DVD, you can order a copy of finery issue 5, visit needles & pens diy bookshop/gallery in SF or email Be very excited, because they are currently making their new film as we speak!


Call for Submissions-Candy/Habit

Our friend Pashly just sent over this call for submissions for a new zine she's making! Check out the info below and visit the Facebook page for more details. Also, while you are on Facebook, join our group!! You'll get updates on our posts and other stuff we're up to.

CANDY/HABIT is now seeking submissions for a one off zine/magazine. We need your storys of candy habits and rituals, from your childhood or up to: now.
Habits and Rituals ....specialized ways of consuming your candy. things you did to give that sweet time the magic aura it deserved. sorting, savoring, coveting. obsessions, secrets, kinks and compulsions also welcomed. submissions can be anonymous.
all submissions receive a copy of the zine. please leave a mailing address in your email to receive your copy.

you may submit drawings/illustrations to me in person, digitally, or message me for a mailing address. if you are far away, i will try to send the original back with the finished zine, cost permitting.
message me here... SEND ME A STORY, any length is great! and tell your friends.... ... deadline May 20th, but that shouldn't stop you from quickly jotting down a good tale NOW, ish.


Mika Miko

Indie-queer faves Mika Miko are releasing We Be Xuxa-their first full-length album since 2006-tomorrow! The album is already available on the Post Present Medium website for $13 bucks. If you want to check out their new stuff,  you can listen to their totally punk jams on their Myspace page. Also--Mika Miko are touring in support of the new album this summer so bring some 40's and get your dirty teen punk on.  

Some of the new songs have also been making the blog rounds, so here's a track from We Be Xuxa, a clip of Mika Miko live, and a clip of the 90's kids show Xuxa

Mika Miko - I Got A Lot (New New New)


Wet Like Sweat

So far with this blog we've gotten a really great response from lots of queer musicians all over the world and from readers like you! It makes us really happy that you all are liking the blog and want to contribute. One of the recent submissions that landed in our inbox was from the New York based electro-glam act Naked Highway

Naked Highway has a new maxi-single out called Wet Like Sweat with 4 different mixes of the song (Wet Like Sweat) and the music video, directed by frontman/primary musician Sy Boccari. The mixes range from a Gay club filth-fest, 2 90's inspired versions, and a more low key indie-oriented version mixed by producer The Model (which is also used as the video version). The Model's mix incorporates some sweet 80's Madonna-esque female vocals, which is ALWAYS a welcome addition! 

Recently Naked Highway has been asked to do official remixes for Rihanna and The Presets, so you are sure to see more of them soon! In the meantime, check out the video for Wet Like Sweat (The Model Mix) and a cover they did of New Order's 586. If you like what you hear, jump on over to iTunes! 

Naked Highway - 586 (New Order Cover)