Best of Y2K-Y2K09

I've been thinking a lot lately about our upcoming Best of 2009 lists and the things that have blown my mind this year. While focusing on the present I TOTALLY forgot that this is the end of the decade and that REALLY blew my way more than anything that happened in 2009. How did we end up here? I have such vivid memories of Y2K and all my friends who were afraid to go out on NYE. I feel so old!

Anyways, this decade I guess I became an adult for reals, but besides that, I found music that pretty much changed my whole life. Here are my favorite records from the last decade!

After the cut!

The Need - The Need Is Dead
One of my favorite records ever! I still love The Need and wish for a reunion every day.

The Need - Circuit Side

Tracy + The Plastics - Muscler's Guide to Videonics
Queer and arty, blippy and bloppy. Just like I like 'em.

Tracy + The Plastics - City

There are highs and lows on this remix record, but any record that includes the DFA remix of Deceptacon wins for that alone. BUT, this record also kind of made dance music an option for a lot of queer musicians who would have maybe never considered the genre as a viable way to get their point across.

It's a psychedelic journey disguised as an arty concept record on it's way to a first date with a dance party. NOTE: Mildly scary on mushrooms.

Anna Oxygen - Aviva

MIA & Diplo - Piracy Funds Terrorism, Volume 1
As good as MIA's "Arular" turned out to be, this Diplo produced mixtape is even better. I'm pretty sure every mixtape created after this one is jealous.

Don't hold it against them that "How Long" was in that terrible movie "I Know Who Killed Me" starring my SECOND favorite young Hollywood lesbo (#1 is all you KStew) because Out Hud were actually a really great band and this record has so many great songs.

Out Hud - One Life To Leave

The Knife - Silent Shout
I wish I could pick this record like over and over again because I feel like just having it listed once doesn't convey how amazing it is! LOVE LOVE LOVE this album.

The Knife - We Share Our Mother's Health

LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
Ok, so I'm really not wild about "North American Scum" (I like it but don't love it) but pretty much every other song on this album rules. James Murphy made an album that is funny, weird, pretty, kind of emotional and just generally genius.

LCD Soundsystem - Get Innocuous

Hercules and Love Affair
I really liked this record when it came out. It was very likable with Antony, Nomi and Kim Ann's vocals, the amazing basslines, Andrew Butler's references to the best parts of disco and late 80's/early 90's house...but when I saw H&LA live last year it changed everything. I no longer liked the record, I LOVED it. This band was so amazing live it made me appreciate the greatness of this record even more.

Hercules and Love Affair - You Belong

Check back in the next week or so for our Best of 2009 lists!


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