The Sound of Arrows

I have to admit that I was not initially impressed with the Swedish duo The Sound of Arrows. The group first released a song called M.A.G.I.C. last year that featured a children's choir and was cute, but kind of like D.A.N.C.E. lite. The teaser video, on the other hand, was a totally fantastical homage to an 80's childhood that I couldn't resist. Now they are back with a new single and video for the track 'Into the Clouds' that turns their Neverending Story obsession into a big pop song and I have new faith in The Sound of Arrows. It may be kind of cheesy, but it's fun and I think they describe their music perfectly as "widescreen pop". It really sounds like an 80's fantasy soundtrack, and that's kind of awesome.

As a reminder of how authentic The Sound of Arrows sounds, also check out Limahl's The Never Ending Story theme and compare!

The Sound of Arrows - Into the Clouds (Music video) from The Sound of Arrows on Vimeo.


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