Man, America is missing out in the worst way possible. Eurovision 2010 is already at the final stages, but along the way, gays everywhere have been striking stoner gold on YouTube. I've compiled all these performances in one post because these men (or in Eric Saade's case, manboys) have 1 thing in common: they all look like Donny Osmond at some point in his creepy somewhat successful career. Peter is a direct throwback to Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Case in point:
How do I know of this? Oh yes children, when your mother is a big musical theatre junkie, whether you like it or not, at some point it rubs off on you. Real badly. There isn't a day where "All That Jazz" isn't in my head. THANKS MOM.
First things first: This dude Eric Saade is a presenter for some Swedish kids television show. Secondly: Please pour more water on him. He can be my manboy any day of the week. And by manboy I mean do all my errands for me.
Peter Joback (I can't figure out how to to do an umlaut) knows how to let loose and have some good old fashioned all-American power ballad fun with structured militaristic jackets and fringe. Side note: Does anyone know how to do the umlaut on a Mac? Listen, don't get huffy with me, I just figured out how to do a screen cap so eat it.
This was from last year, but as you can see, they really should just have Dima Bilan come back every year to start the festival with this exact same performance. WIRES. TREADMILLS. PAPER WALLS. CONFETTI. ANGELS. PAPARAZZI. What more do you people want out of life? Because I am ful-FILLED. Also, I major LOLed when his jacket got caught on his wires and he couldn't get it off. So he finally gets to that rage boiling point and turns around the get it off and still NOTHING GOES HIS WAY. Thank you, backup dancer.
Jeppe - Lucky Boy 2009
Jeppe - Lucky Boy from Jeppe Breum on Vimeo.
ah, eurovision. so bad it's ... bad.
you can use html for umlauts.
there is no such thing as being too good for eurovision
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