
Songs for fucking

Britney Spears is horny. Super horny. Her new single "3" has been released to radio and I will put it this way: She wants to get her fuck on with another couple. She name drops Peter, Paul & Mary, does that weird baby coo "oooh!" thing that's been prevalent on her last 2 albums, and states that living in sin is the new thing to do. Where as "Blackout" was an awesome album with robotic vocals and trashy production, "3" brings the sounds of what "Blackout" should've been, combines it with some Calvin Harris synths (I'm expecting a remix, Calvin), and some of the best hooks I've hear don a song this year.

Ms. Spears, I tip my hat to you. This is the single I was waiting for.

Some songs to hump to:

Britney Spears - 3"

Amerie - Tale Control (ft. Se7en)

Basement Jaxx ft. Yo! Majesty - Twerk


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